Permanent Make-up

  • Also known as cosmetic tattoo, is a process that implants micro pigments into the skin to help enhance your natural features. It is not meant to replace makeup - as is a common misunderstanding - but to help enhance and restore pigment to areas that have lost definition, faded over time, or even experienced trauma of some kind (such as scarring or loss of lip pigmentation from cold sores on the mouth).

    All permanent makeup procedures are bloodless and as painless as possible. To ensure client comfort, a topical medical-grade numbing cream is used. Redness and swelling is to be expected after all PMU procedures, and may vary in severity depending on the individual and the area being treated. Redness and swelling usually dissipates within 2 to 24 hours. All permanent makeup procedures require a follow up session after the initial session to ensure optimal implantation of the pigment, and to achieve longest-lasting results. Clients should also understand that fading of the pigment will occur over time, and annual touch ups may be desired to help maintain the integrity and intensity of colour, as well as to help maintain the definition and shape.

    Fading will vary from person to person due to a number of variables including maintenance, lifestyle, sun exposure and age to name a few. It is impossible for our PMU practitioner to predict how well any individual will retain pigment over time. For more information or to book a consultation please call us or book online!

Combination Brows

First session: 2.5-3 hours: $400
Follow-up sessions
: 1.5-2 hours: $200
Annual colour touch-up
: 1.5-2 hours: $250

After you have combo-brows, you can forget about drawing your brows in every day, dealing with smudging, fading and re-applying with pencil and powder! This procedure uses a combination of hair-like strokes to help give your eyebrows definition and texture, along with a powder effect to help gently and naturally fill in and enhance your eyebrows for a fuller appearance. Using a tiny ‘nano’ needle, the combo-brow implants thousands of tiny dots of pigment into the skin. The results are exceptionally natural looking, and typically longer lasting than micro-blading with no scarring or compromise of colour integrity. This procedure works beautifully for most skin-types and ages.

This procedure requires a follow-up session 4-6 weeks following the initial appointment.

During the first session, we take the time to discuss your desired results and then customize your shape and colour before we start the procedure. The follow-up session takes place 4-6 weeks later, after the skin and brows are fully healed. Results can last 2-5 years depending on maintenance, lifestyle, sun exposure and age.

The healing process is a process!
Be prepared for your brows to potentially look darker for a few days, followed by flaking and peeling, then fading. Be patient and remember, this is common and expected, and to trust the process:) We explain what to expect during healing, as well as proper aftercare in detail during the first session.

Eyeliner Lash Enhancement

Upper AND Lower Lid Prices:
Initial Session: 2 hours: $400
Follow up Session
: 1.5 hours: $200
Annual Touch-up
: 2 hours: $350

Upper OR Lower Lid Prices:
Initial Session: 1.5 hours: $300
Follow up Session
: 1.5 hours: $200
Annual Touch-up
: 1.5 hours: $250

This procedure is perfect for those tired of applying and reapplying eyeliner, but loves the look of fuller lashes and eyes that “pop”. This is a thin eyeliner tattoo along your lash line to give your eyes a fuller and more open appearance… no more smudging, fading or wearing away! There is little to no down time following this procedure, but minimal redness and swelling is common and can be expected.

As with all PMU procedures, the permanent eyeliner procedure requires a follow-up session 2-3 weeks after the initial appointment to obtain optimal density of pigment implantation and to achieve longest lasting results. *Please note, in the rare cases where an additional follow up appointment may be needed, there will NOT be another full follow up charge applied, but a minimal fee for costs.

Lip Blushing

First session: 2-2.5 hours: $400
Follow-up sessions: 1.5-2 hours: $200
Annual Colour Touch-up: 1.5-2 hours: $300

Lip blushing gives the appearance of fuller natural lips, while correcting asymmetries and restoring colour back to areas of the lip that have lost colour and definition. This procedure helps restore colour, and lend a more youthful appearance to lips of all shapes and ages. As with all PMU procedures, the lip blushing procedure requires a follow-up session 3-5 weeks after the initial appointment to obtain optimal density of pigment implantation and to achieve longest lasting results.

For anyone who is prone to cold sores, we strongly advise you get a prescription for Valtrex or Zovirax ahead of your lip blushing appointment, and that you take a dose prior to, and post- procedure.

While post-procedure healing may be slightly different for everyone, it generally takes 1-3 weeks. Ordinarily, within a day or so after the procedure, your lips will feel dry and potentially chapped, and the colour more intense in appearance. Don’t panic, this is typical! As you heal after the initial appointment, the colour will fade significantly (50%) but will regenerate after a couple of weeks. It will show its more permanent result post-healing after the follow up appointment. While healing, it is imperative to keep your lips lubricated with the balm provided to you.

Results of lip blushing can last 1-3 years depending on how quickly you fade (this varies from person to person), and how well you maintain them.

Under-eye Camouflage

Initial Appointment: 1 hour and 15 mins: $500
Follow-up Appointments: 1 hour and 15 mins: $300

Under-eye camouflage is a non-invasive paramedical, PMU procedure that uses very gentle tattooing techniques to minimize and ​conceal the appearance of dark circles and under-eye “bags”. Foundation and concealer cover the skin’s surface and can sometimes draw more attention to discolouration and fine lines around the eye. This treatment implants a skin tone pigment under the skin so you will glow from the inside out!

Meet Shannon Crotty

We are happy to introduce Shannon Crotty as a new member of our medi-spa team at Winterholme. With a degree in Biology at Memorial University, having worked in the field of veterinary medicine, marketing, and a previous career as a stunt actor in the film and television industry, we are thrilled to have Shannon on our team!

Shannon did her Permanent Makeup training at HD Beauty Academy in Toronto, Ontario, her Paramedical training at Ink Boutique in Houston, Texas, and her Scalp Micropigmentation training at Sculpted Studios in Miami, Florida. She is a compassionate, active and adventurous person who loves engaging her clients with both humour and empathy. Her goal is to help every person feel their most confident self!